Jyotish Kunji- A Key of Future

Discover the magic of Vedic astrology with Jyotish Kunji. We offer expert insights to navigate life's twists and turns, empowering you to chart a course towards your dreams. Experience clarity, guidance, and empowerment as we unlock the door to your future together

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About Us

Welcome to Acharya Mukesh Mridul, where ancient wisdom meets modern solutions. With 25 years of experience in Jyotish (Vedic astrology) and Sanskrit Vyakaran, Acharya Mukesh Mridul specializes in Horoscope, Vastu, and Palmistry. Our services include Vastu consultancy, online astrology classes, horoscope crafting, marriage guidance, and health insights. Experience personalized consultations and holistic solutions for a harmonious life journey.

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Services Offered
Vastu Consultancy

Harmonizing Spaces for Prosperity and Well-being

Online Astrology Classes

Learn the Language of the Stars, Anytime, Anywhere!

Horoscope making & Prediction

Illuminate Your Path to the Future!

Prashna Kundli

Answers Await in the Stars!

Health Issues

Aligning Wellness with the Stars!

Marriage Life issues

Navigating Harmony in Relationships.

Grah Shanti

Harmonize Planetary Influences for Peaceful Living.


Stories of Wisdom and Guidance.

Blogs | Articles
Apr 12, 2024
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Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then […]
Best Astrologer

Awarded by SH Shankaracharya for best Astrologer at Mumbai in 1997.

Sanskrit Debate

Awarded by Member of assembly Sh Chartilal Goyal for Sanskrit debate on a topic of Hindutava & Sanatan Dharam.

Kaka Kalekar

Kaka Kalekar award at Gandhi hindustani sahitva sabha at New Delhi.

Mridul Joshi

I have been consulting Mukesh Ji for several years now, and each session with him leaves me feeling uplifted and inspired. His profound knowledge of astrology and his compassionate approach make him a trusted advisor and mentor. I am deeply grateful for his guidance and support.

Krishna Rawat

His wisdom and spiritual guidance have been invaluable to me and my family. His accurate predictions and powerful rituals have brought positive transformations in our lives. I highly recommend his services to anyone seeking spiritual guidance and enlightenment.

Amit Negi

Pandit Ji has been a guiding light in my spiritual journey. His deep knowledge of Vedic scriptures and his compassionate guidance have helped me navigate through life’s challenges with wisdom and grace. I am truly grateful for his presence in my life.

Contact Us
  • Location
    Roop pur, Karan pur, Dist Nainital, UK
  • Email
  • Phone
    + 91 9720579939